We have five main elements to our Sunday morning service.
Scripture Reading
- We believe that God has given His people the Bible as the foundation for Christian life and worship. Our services seek to hold a high view of Scripture by reading from the Old and New Testaments.
Congregational Singing
- We believe that music is a powerful tool for Christian worship because God has wired us to be moved through music. Plus, we are commanded in scripture to worship through Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.
- We believe that God is soveriegn over all things, and he listens to us. We worship God through the way that we adore Him in prayer and by leaning on Him through bringing our needs to Him.
Expositional Sermon
- We believe that the preaching of God's word is foundational to the christian life. God has preserved His word for us. Our Sunday morning sermon seeks to preach through books of the Bible one passage at a time. We believe that God changes lives through the preaching of His word.
- We believe that every time the word is preach that God calls us to respond.